Phillip Florczak, RMT
Reiki Master & Bengston Therapist
Make an appointment 480 562 0315
or by email:
Reiki energy therapy for relaxation & healing
(Distance sessions available)
Reiki Therapy 1 hour session: $75
Your Reiki session is tailored to meet your individual needs and circumstance. We will discuss health and life history. I will explain what Reiki is and what I will be doing. Expect your first session to last about an extra 15mins.
How does Reiki work?
Reiki helps relieve the body of stress, allowing it to heal and re-balance itself naturally. Conditions where Reiki therapy is beneficial:
Stress (both personally & professionally)
sleep disorders
lack of energy
feelings of fear, anger, greed and other negative thoughts
seasonal affected disorder (SAD)
sore throats
sports injuries
broken bones (should be set by a doctor, first)
Remote Healing or Distant Reiki can be sent remotely to you, to someone you love and even a pet! It is not uncommon to send Reiki to create harmony in a home; or sent to a place of work, or to the success of your business! Click here to learn the science behind distant reiki sessions.
Bengston Energy Healing Method 1 hour session: $85
natural energy healing method
therapy based on Image Cycling
ideal for clients needing help with variety of physical and emotional disorders, including Alzheimer’s, depression and digestive diseases
Tuning Fork & Reiki Therapy 90 min: $100
natural healing method
utilizing sound therapy
therapy penetrates the fascia, bringing blood flow to areas of importance